Tell us what you do: call for articles about your business

By Antony on February 24th, 2012 | No Comments

Tell us what you do: call for articles about your business

Dear Antony,
Just a quick email to say thanks for the blog. We have had a number of people get referred to us through this and have gained a few new clients. Let’s hope it continues!

I really appreciate your help.

Best regards,

Tom Ward
London Gun Services Ltd

We were delighted to receive this email from Tom, referring to his blog that we published last month.

It reaffirms something that we have been pleased to witness for quite a while: offers a valuable window on businesses in the storage industry, and those who have been kind enough to contribute to our blogs do attract new clients.

So why don’t you join the growing list of contributors?

What should I write about?

We like articles about specialist aspects of the business, like London Gun Services. But we also welcome blogs about more conventional storage businesses – of any kind or size.

Tell us about your business, maybe how it came about, how you set it up, difficulties and triumphs. Perhaps you have some funny or weird anecdotes that you would like to share?

All we ask is that the text has not been published before, and that it is not too overtly promotional. Yes, do tell readers how special your business is – but we want something more than pure advertising copy.

Your article can contain links to your website, where readers can find all the advertising copy they need!

Please send us a photo, too, which we’ll use to head the article.

But I can’t write!

Yes you can! Have a go! You don’t need any secret literary skills. Just tell the story like you would to a stranger in the pub who wants to know what you do. We’ll do the editing, and show the edited text to you before publishing, for your approval.


Please send any ideas or finished articles to

I look forward to hearing from you!

More examples

Here are links to a dozen more examples of our blogs from storage businesses:


U store depot

Self Storage Investment

Douglas Elliman Real Estate Company

Crystal Radio Systems Ltd

Excel Self Storage and GrenSoft’s StoreTracer

ROC Invest

The Store Room


Cavale Steel Company


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