Montague Storage Ltd - Warwick
Montague Road
CV34 5LW
01926 403993
This storage location does not give prices on its website.
Discussion about Montague Storage Ltd - Warwick
I have used Montague storage for a few years now, find you have first class service, easy access when required safe dry and secure. With cctv watching at all times. I would recommend your storage to family and friends, and if someone asked me where best to keep items safe short or long term, you are great value. Looking forward to continued use of your services.
Perfect location right in the middle of Warwick and Leamington spa no minimum time required to get there best rate and over all clean, very secure and safe. i even insured £10,000 worth of goods for just £10.00 a month BARGAIN
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This storage location does not give prices on its website.
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